We gladly accept material and equipment donations for homes under construction. If you have an item you wish to donate or would like to know what the current needs are, please feel free to contact us by emailing [email protected] or by calling (419) 586-5058.

If you would like to donate food items please contact 937-684-2669. Listed below are the items needed. Individual serving cup of fruit Individual Mac & Cheese Individual Oatmeal Packet 8 ounce V8 Fusions Nutrigrain bars Pudding cups Jar of peanut butter

MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS LAUNDRY BASKETS: Used to fill and hold the Welcome Home Kits WELCOME HOME MATS KITCHEN ITEMS PLACE SETTINGS: plates, bowls, silverware, glasses, cups PANS: frying pans, 4-qt saucepans with lids BAKEWARE: baking pans, cookie sheets GADGETS: strainers, cutting and paring knives, long handle spoons, spatulas, tongs, can openers, measuring cups CLEANING ITEMS CLEANING…

Soap Shampoo Toothbrush and toothpaste Deodorant Shaving gel and razors Tampons (superabsorbent and regular) Sanitary pads – thinner ones Chapstick Hand sanitizer

Cat & Kitten Food Dog & Puppy Food Pet Carriers (Small-Medium) Animal Traps Pet Treats & Toys Cat Litter Cleaning Supplies & Hand Soap Towels (New or Used) Paper Towels Plastic Trash Bags If you would like to donate please contact us to set up a time for drop off, or stop in Saturdays between…

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White copy paper. Post-it notes. White-out tape. Scotch tape. White cardstock.

Liquid hand soap. Liquid dish soap (not for a dishwasher). Bleach. Fabric-softener sheets. Paper towels. Toilet paper. Facial tissue. Laundry detergent pods. Clorox disinfecting wipes. Windex glass cleaner.

Paper bowls. Distilled water. Paper & cloth surgical drapes – all sizes. Rubbing alcohol. Mineral oil. Microscope slides and slide coverslips. Immersion oil.

Bales of straw. Igloo dog houses. Cat Toys – Crinkle balls. Cat Toys – Mice. Cat Toys – Chew Toys. Plastic animal carriers. Hill’s Science Diet canned cat food (only pate). Hill’s Science Diet canned dog food (only pate or ground dog food, no chunks please). Hill’s Science Diet dry medium adult dog food. Hill’s…