Armstrong Air & Space Museum

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Armstrong Air & Space Museum

500 Apollo Dr, Wapakoneta, OH 45895
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Our mission

To stand not only as a repository of Ohio’s aeronautical history and a monument to Ohio’s contribution to aviation and space exploration, but also as a tribute to Ohioan Neil Armstrong, whose “one small step for a man” was indeed a “giant leap for mankind.”


Museum Volunteers

The museum needs volunteers on weekdays and weekends, throughout the year and just for special occasions.

  • Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Event support, Indoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you help

In order to achieve the mission, the museum engages volunteers to assist the professional staff in public demonstrations among the exhibits, greeting visitors, assisting with tour groups and special events, answering telephones, helping in the museum store, hanging Christmas lights, maintaining a flower garden, and more. We invite you to become a member of the Apollo Corps and share in the museum’s mission.

About us

After Neil Armstrong landed on the moon in 1969, the attention of the nation and the world focused in part on Wapakoneta, Ohio. Members of the news media (television and radio) flocked to Wapakoneta to the home of Neil’s parents to interview them as the Apollo 11 mission unfolded. Upon his return, his hometown treated Neil to a parade and a huge celebration where thousands (including celebrities) gathered. The parade culminated at the Auglaize County Fairgrounds. At that time James A. Rhodes, Governor of Ohio, was in attendance and soon thereafter suggested that a museum be constructed in Wapakoneta honoring Neil and his accomplishments as well as the achievements of the US Space Program. The State committed $500,000.00. Local individuals and organizations matched that pledge. The plaque on the museum wall indicates such support. The Museum was formally dedicated on July 20, 1972.