6450 Arcanum Bears Mill Rd, Greenville, OH 45331
Phone (937) 548 - 5112
Visit Website Volunteer Page Our mission | Our Mission is to preserve the historic structure and natural setting of the mill and provide educational, environmental and recreational experiences for all to enjoy. |
Bear’s Mill
Ways to help | MaintenanceKeeping an old mill preserved, maintained and presented to the public in a way that is welcoming to daily visitors takes efforts of an entire community. |
How you help | At Bear’s Mill, we rely upon the time, talent and expertise of volunteers from varied backgrounds to help us keep our treasure alive for future generations to enjoy. |
About us | 2020 ~ Darke County residents voted to transfer The Friends of Bear’s Mill 501c3 to the Darke County Park District roster of historic and natural sites. This ensures this National Historic Site and the surrounding 35 acres will belong to the people of Darke County; to be preserved and cherished by all future generations. |
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