4801 Springfield St, Dayton, OH 45431
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Our missionDAS exists to advocate for, support, and educate families living with autism.
Impact story
Special Parents Finding Hope

Special Parents Finding Hope

Dayton Autism Society

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How you helpWe are always looking for new people to come join us and be a part of our board. There are board member positions available and several ways you could help out. Or just join on as a member at large and help when and where you can or just come offer great ideas for events and activities. Your opinion and insight is valuable to us and we would love to have to have you join our team!
About usThe Dayton Autism Society (DAS) is a non-profit organization which is made up of a board of volunteers who are parents, family members, professionals in the field of disability services, and other interested persons. The Dayton Autism Society serves families from the greater Miami Valley and an estimated 8,000 families living with autism. These families reside in Montgomery, Miami, Greene, Darke, Clark, Preble, Warren, and other neighboring counties.
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