300 Sloan Blvd, Bellefontaine, OH 43311
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Our mission

To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all.

Logan County Early Learning Center ribbon cutting

Logan County Early Learning Center ribbon cutting

How you help

Volunteer at our branch for special events, program aide, and overall support. The Y is a positive force in this community. Together, we take on the challenges that shape our Central Ohio’s future. From tackling the achievement gap to teaching healthy habits for a lifetime or giving people the chance to strengthen our community through volunteering, everything the Y does is in service of building a better us.

About us

We know that lasting personal and social change comes about when we all work together. That’s why, at the Y, strengthening community is our cause. Every day, we work side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive.