Hands for Mom

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Hands for Mom

5294 Tall Oaks Ct, Dayton, OH 45424
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Our mission

To go out into the community to find and fill the needs of mothers.


General Volunteer

Assists in occasional needs and events.

  • Occasional
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Event support, Indoor, Outdoor
  • None, On-site
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
Items we need

Baby Box Items

  • 1 small package of size 1 diapers (30-50ct depending on brand)
  • 1 package of baby wipes
  • 1 package of 2 green Nuk pacifiers (0-3mo)
  • 1 8oz container of hand sanitizer
  • 1 bottle of baby wash
  • 1 towel
  • 1 washcloth
  • 1 gender neutral 0-3 month sleep and play
  • 1 gender neutral 0-3 month onesie
  • 1 gender neutral receiving blanket
  • 1 gender neutral set of hat and scratch proof mittens
  • 1 gender neutral velcro swaddle
  • A box of self-care goodies for mom including a gel eye mask, nail polish, loofa/poof, travel package of tissues, travel hand lotion, chapstick, travel package of pads, and snacks.
  • In-Kind Donations
  • Item Collection
  • Wishlist - Amazon, etc
Support Us
How you help

The purpose of HANDS FOR MOM is to provide services, supplies, and resources to moms in need in order for them to thrive as a parent despite any financial hardships or disabilities.

About us

Hands for Mom is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was founded because we saw a need in the community to support moms in need. Our idea started with the Baby Box to help new moms navigate the newborn stage. Our hope and goal is to provide as many services as possible to help moms of all stages thrive in their God-given role.