Good Neighbor House

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Good Neighbor House

627 E 1st St, Dayton, OH 45402
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Our mission

Good Neighbor House is a nonprofit, faith-based, human development organization that provides health, nutrition, and education services to the under-served through relationships with relevant collaborative service partners.

Miami Valley Meals brought food for 100 families for GNH

Miami Valley Meals brought food for 100 families for GNH

How you help

Volunteering is another way to help further our mission while giving of your time and talent. Good Neighbor House is forever grateful for the kind support of our dedicated corps of volunteers who are willing to make a small personal sacrifice in order to help a neighbor in need.

About us

Good Neighbor House offers a full range of Human and Health Services to the community as we collaborate with many local agencies to assist clients. Through the contributions of dedicated donors and volunteers, the agency is funded and supported by monetary and in-kind donations that help to make a tremendous difference in the lives of many throughout the Greater Dayton Region.