Miami County Right to Life Society

305 E Main St, Troy, OH 45373
Visit Website Volunteer Page
Our missionMiami County Right to Life exists to promote and defend the right to life of all innocent human beings, from the time of fertilization until natural death.

Miami County Right to Life Society

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Ways to help

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are critical to the success of the Miami County Right to Life Society, Inc. Volunteer help us with housekeeping, maintenance, parenting classes, letter writing, fundraising and more!
  • One-time, Occasional, Monthly
  • Teens, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Families
  • Virtual, Office work, Event support, Indoor, Outdoor
  • None, On-site, Skilled
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you helpVolunteers are critical to the success of the Miami County Right to Life Society, Inc. (MCRTL) Thanks to more than 100 volunteers we are able to provide educational information, to be a pro-life resource within the community, to be a place of support for young families, to plan fundraisers, and much, much more! There are countless ways to get involved at MCRTL. Our goal is to help individuals and organizations find opportunities that fit their needs and background while also helping to make a difference in the Miami County community.
About usThe Miami County Right to Life Society is the Miami County chapter of Ohio Right to Life. The society houses the following programs in an effort to promote and to preserve the sanctity of all human life. Miami County Pro-Life Educational Foundation is the 501(c)3 responsible for educational and philanthropic activities. Donations to this foundation are tax-deductible. The Miami County Center for Life is the heart of our outreach ministry. It is a resource to Miami County families in need by providing education on healthy life choices, referrals to other community resources, and material assistance through the Baby Pantry. Click here for Center location and contact information.
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