United Way of Logan County

The Centre City Mall Shopping Center, 130 S Main St #109, Bellefontaine, OH 43311
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Our missionUnited Way fights for the health, the education, and the financial stability of EVERY PERSON in Logan County.

United Way of Logan County

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How you helpYour participation plays a vital role in United Way's work to make our community stronger. Volunteers respond to needs in the community as they arise. Whether it’s handing out warm clothes to the homeless or delivering food to needy families, volunteers can make a difference at a moment’s notice.
About usUnited Way of Logan County fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in our communities. We do it by facilitating successful agency partnerships that enable a safe, healthy, and caring community. More than just a fundraiser, United Way collaborates with businesses, non-profits, government, and civic organizations to help meet the social service needs of the community.
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