Want to help the thousands of women and children served each year by YWCA Dayton? A gift of essential items (like baby formula or diapers), cleaning supplies, and even toys, games or family activities can make a big difference to children and families in shelter or our supportive housing residents.
All donations may be dropped off at our Central Building (141 W. Third St., Dayton, OH 45402) Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please call ahead, if possible. Contact Marshall Weil at [email protected] or 937-461-5550 x108. 15-minute flasher parking on W. Third St. is allowed.
You can also have donations mailed directly to us through our online Amazon.com YWish List! Find the full list of needed items at www.ywcadayton.org/wishlist.