Complete pre-show, show, and post show duties as assigned, including cleaning the stage and backstage, and setting-up and striking props and scenery. Duties are assigned by the stage manager.

We always need extra help at our events and would love to have you volunteer with us.

We are seeking volunteers to assist with: Health Fairs, Events, and Fundraising

Volunteers assist our client’s in meaningful for activities like bowling. Participate in a community day and get to know our families while contributing to RHA projects like landscaping, painting, home improvements and more. Be a Friend By Choice and develop a special relationship with one of our RHA residents.

Volunteers help with the following: Check in clients for surgery, Give clients after surgery care instructions, Trap feral cats for surgery, Assist during fundraising events, Walk in parades, and Set up tables at animal events and fundraisers. If this sounds like fun we would love to meet you! You can volunteer as much or little…

Volunteers can help with our three programs – food pantry, client services and the thrift store.

Each year, Day of Caring volunteers work on improvement projects for Auglaize County; these services are available for all qualifying non-profit organizations, community recreational facilities, historical sites, and other relevant areas. The projects consist of activities such as landscaping, painting and repair.

Volunteer help with all aspects of the festival!

Volunteer do everything at the Theatre! Reach out to learn more.

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