09:00 am Meeting dates are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday until the boardwalk is complete. Location: Dave Nolin Wetland Reserve Time: 9:00am- 12:30pm Activity: Boardwalk Building Meet at the Dane Mutter Prairie observation deck at 9:00am SEE MAP –  The best access point is the lane off Backridge Court. A high chassis vehicle could drive in. Others may park on…

Help improve the quality of care and quality of life for people with Alzheimer’s disease and their families by carrying our message to elected officials at the federal, state and local levels. Communicate with elected officials via letters, phone calls and other calls-to-action, participate in area events and share your story. More information – click here.

Attend local health fairs, social events, sporting events, charity campaigns and other public venues to provide information about Alzheimer’s disease, our programs and services, and ways to help in the fight against Alzheimer’s. This is a great way to learn about Alzheimer’s and serve your community. Training and materials provided. Locations and times vary. Some…

Community Educators are volunteers who help the Alzheimer’s Association provide consumer education through in-person and virtual platforms to expand the reach of Association programs in the community.  Must be 21 year old to apply.